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Waterdrop Reviews:Waste of Time or Worth It?

  A pill called Waterdrop can flavour water by being added to it. You dissolve this adorable tiny cube in water, and after approximately 5 minutes, you'll have a mildly flavoured beverage. Depending on the taste you obtain, the nutritional information varies, but generally speaking, the tablets are either 0 calories or 4 from 1g of carbs. The Youth, Focus, and Zen have five calories each, while Love and Vibe have none. Then I saw a commercial for Waterdrop, those seemingly tiny drops of various flavours with vitamins that are individually wrapped in recyclable packaging.

While I was initially sceptical, I decided to give it a try because I needed a new water bottle because my previous glass one had broken over a year earlier and I didn't particularly enjoy my aluminium one, which made drinking water feel like drinking from a can. Let's try out this water drop thing. Additionally, it would be wonderful if it meant I could drink water straight from the faucet without caring about the flavour!

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